Resilient Future City of Bremen
In November 2017, the three-year joint project "BREsilient" - Resilient Future City of Bremen officially started, with ISL as one of the consortium members. The maritime industry and the directly related logistics companies in Bremen could be affected by climate change in the future. Beside the climate change also extreme weather conditions could have direct and, above all, indirect (impact on trade flows and value chains) consequences for this domain. In the cluster Maritime Economy / Logistics ISL carries out a literature review and interviews with companies in order to identify risks, their characteristics and possible mitigation measures. In several workshops the results will be presented, discussed and further detailed with companies of the cluster. Relevant research questions are, for example: How do climate change and extreme weather conditions directly and indirectly affect the Maritime Economic Cluster in Bremen? Through which mitigation measures can the different actors reduce the vulnerability of the cluster?
Beside ISL, the partners in this project are the Senator for the Environment, Construction and Transport (SUBV, Consortium Leader), the Institute for Ecological Economy Research GmbH (IÖW) and the Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg - Ecological Economics (Uni-OL).

Funding notice

The project volume amounts to approx. 2.3 million Euros and is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).