Projekt order: European Commission – Horizon Europe
Inland waterway transportation is considered to play an important role in the decarbonisation of the transport sector. However, events such as low- or high-water periods can lead to potentially long-term disruptions of the respective transport chains.
Under the coordination of the European IWT Platform, 24 ReNEW partners from 11 countries are looking for ways to balance the quest towards more sustainability and resilience in inland waterway transportation.
The focus areas of ReNEW are:
- to create decision-support tools for strategic planning and operational optimisation of inland waterway transportation chains considering resilience and sustainability;
- to develop innovative solutions for increasing the resilience and sustainability of inland waterway infrastructure;
- to implement IT tools such as the "Green Resilient IWT Dataspace" and the "Digital Twin" which enable efficient data exchange between all stakeholders - enterprise systems, infrastructure monitoring, River Information Services and traffic management and emergency systems;
- to establish Living Labs (LL) or real labs where ReNEW results are tested and demonstrated, including Ghent-urban (Belgium), Douro Corridor (Portugal), Rhine Corridor (Netherlands/Belgium-Germany);
- to promote the dissemination and use of results in operations on a broader scale.

ISL Fields of Competence
Funding notice

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 861377.