ISL at the ENVOCONNECT in Bremerhaven

Last week, the two-day event ENVOCONNECT took place at the Atlantic Hotel Bremerhaven, offering an innovative format and in-depth discussions on the topic of sustainability in ports and logistics. 

The essential questions took center stage in a series of presentations and panel discussions: how to shape the transformation and energy transition in ports, what obstacles need to be overcome, and what factors can accelerate the process. Not only representatives from the industry, but also port authorities, international organizations like ESPO, politicians, and climate scientists took the stage and answered questions from both the audience and the two moderators.

The ISL was also represented at the new trade fair focusing on sustainability in ports and the logistics industry. Flóra Gulyás, the project manager of the soon-to-conclude research project MaritIEm, provided interested attendees with insights into the project's objectives and methodology. The methodology developed within the project can be of significant importance for sustainable investment decisions in ports by providing a quantitative foundation for strategic planning.

Flóra Gulyás, ISL and Katja von Bargen, the Environmental Manager at bremenports GmbH and supporter of the MaritIEm project, attended the ENVOCONNECT event together.
Flóra Gulyás