
In addition to the management, the bodies of ISL are the Board of Trustees and the Scientific Advisory Board.

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees consists of honorary representatives of the maritime economy and labor unions, representatives of the city of Bremen, representatives of Bremen´s and experts from national and local authorities as well as representatives of the public life. Furthermore, the chairperson of the scientific advisory board is also member of the board of trustees. The chair of the Board of Trustees is a representative of the senate of science and ports, Bremen.

The Board of Trustees takes decisions concerning the general and financial affairs of the Institute, taking into consideration proposals of the managing directors and opinions of the Scientific Advisory Board. It supervises the affairs in regards to legality and economic expediency.

Activities of the Board of Trustees are - among others - making amendments to the statutes and structure of ISL, adopting the business plan and annual financial statement, appointing the managing directors, as well as developing and reviewing the standing orders of the institutions and organizational principles of the Institute and its cooperation agreements. Furthermore, the Management Board shall submit the annual report of the activities of ISL as well the plan for the following year to the Board of Trustees.

Current members of the Board of Trustees:

  • Dr. Steffen Lüsse, Ministry of Economy, Transport, Employment, Technology and Tourism, Schleswig-Holstein
  • Uwe Jacob, Ministry of Economy, Employment, Transport and Digitalization, Lower Saxony
  • Jörg Lattner, Senate of Science and Ports, Bremen
  • Dr. Ralf Meyer, Magistrate City of Bremerhaven, Department of Economics
  • Dr. Michael Knauer, Chairman Scientific Advisory Board, sea chefs Holding AG Switzerland
  • Kay Wenzel, Senate of Science and Ports, Bremen
  • Dr. Britta Lüder, University of Applied Sciences Bremen
  • Michael Blach, EUROGATE GmbH & Co. KGaA, KG, Bremen
  • Dr. Michael Fisser, KG Fisser & v. Doornum GmbH & Co. Hamburg
  • Dr. Jens-Uwe Zingler, Ministry of Energy, Infrastructure and Digitalization, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Head of Department of Sea Transport, Ports and Logistics
  • Prof. Dr. Rabea Diekmann, Rector University of Applied Sciences Bremerhaven
  • Lennart Kinau, Hamburg Port Authority AöR
  • André Scheer, Ver.di

Scientific Advisory Board

The Scientific Advisory Board advises the Board of Trustees and the Management Board of ISL in the areas of research and development on an honorary basis. It supports the Institute's cooperation with other scientific institutions, which are operating in the field of work of ISL, both on a regional and international level. In addition, the Scientific Advisory Board supports the academic work of the Institute and gives recommendations to the Board of Trustees and the Management Board.

The up to twelve members of the Scientific Advisory Board are associates of universities, research institutions and research areas of ISL.  The members are appointed by the Board of Trustees on the recommendation of the Management Board every 5 years. Re-election is possible. Among the Scientific Advisory Board, a chair and deputy chair are elected. Attendees of the Scientific Advisory Board´s meetings may be the Managing Directors, the chairperson of the Board of Trustees and invited guests.

Current members of the Scientific Advisory Board:

  • Prof. Dr. Ing. Uwe Arens, University of Applied Sciences Bremerhaven
  • Prof. Dr. Sabine Bruns-Vietor, University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Freitag (deputy chair), BIBA Bremen
  • Dr. Michael Knauer (chairman), sea chefs Holding AG Switzerland
  • Prof. Dr. Christof Büskens, University of Bremen
  • Kay Middendorf, former HeidelbergCement AG
  • Ferdinand Möhring, BLG Logistics Group AG & Co. KG Bremen
  • Prof. Dr. Thomas Pawlik, University of Applied Sciences Bremen
  • Dr. Ralf Wöstmann, SWAE Bremen
  • Dr. Alexander Geisler, Zentralverband Deutscher Schiffsmakler e .V. / Verband Hamburger und Bremer Schiffsmakler e. V.