Air quality in seaports: New study on challenges & opportunities
A new scientific paper titled "What could make seaports more committed to air quality? A qualitative content analysis of key barriers, drivers, and enablers" was recently published. The authors, Flóra Zsuzsanna Gulyás and Prof. Dr. Aseem Kinra, investigate the various factors influencing seaports to improve air quality in their study.
The authors conducted a qualitative content analysis and identified 38 barriers and 28 enablers. These factors were categorized into economic, technical, administrative, information-related, and regulatory categories. Financial aspects and regulations were particularly highlighted as key influencing factors.
The study's findings provide valuable insights for future research and the development of suitable strategies to reduce emissions in seaports. The aim is to improve air quality for residents and workers in and around the ports.
The paper benefited from the results of the MaritIEm research project. As part of the World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR) scientific conference, it was first presented by Ms. Gulyás in Montréal in the summer of 2023 and has been listed for potential publication in a scientific journal.