ISL takes part in 3rd ReNEW General Assembly in Duisburg
On December 5 and 6, ISL participated in the 3rd General Assembly of the ReNEW (Resilience-centric Smart, Green, Networked EU Inland Waterway) project, which took place at the premises of DST - Entwicklungszentrum für Schiffstechnik und Transportsysteme e. V. in Duisburg.
As part of the project, ISL, together with 24 partners from 11 countries, is looking for ways to achieve a balanced integration of sustainability and resilience in inland navigation.
In addition to presentations and lively discussions on the latest progress of the project, the partners had the opportunity to visit the DST facilities, including 360° ship simulators, ship model laboratories and maneuvering basins.
The ReNEW project is funded under the European Commission's Horizon Europe innovation program and coordinated by the European Inland Waterway Transport Platform.