The LIFE4MEDECA project aims to support discussions and decision making within the process of complementing ongoing efforts at the international and regional levels towards the designation of the Mediterranean basin as an ECA (Emission Control Area) for SOx, PM, and NOx. Accordingly, the main project objectives are:
- to complete the knowledge gathering based on existing knowledge and studies in synergy with similar work being undertaken internationally under the coordination of REMPEC
- to carry out additional socio-economic impact evaluations at international and/or at national level assessing the impact on deep sea shipping, short sea shipping and on other relevant activities, like biodiversity, fishing and tourism
- to develop MED ECAs scenarios, including quantifying costs, additional benefits as well as to carry out sensitivity analyses from the baseline
- to establish a wide ‘reference’ group of stakeholders and to engage them in targeted consultations and oversight so as to gather any relevant additional knowledge, identify further needs, facilitate transfer of best practices and dialog with and across industry
- to provide expertise for technical and legal capacity building as well as for financial support of the perspective MED ECA countries
While the designation of the Mediterranean as SECA has been accomplished through COP22, the establishment of further environmental standards and protection measures have been also tackled, like the analysis of designating the Mediterranean as NECA.
Project duration
01.2021 – 12.2023
Project partner
- 3D4EU (Italy)
- CIMNE (Spain)
- CNR (Italy)
- GTD (Denmark)
- MDI (Israel)
- ISL (Germany)
- UNIMAR (Italy)
Further information
ISL Fields of Competence
Funding notice
This project is funded by the EU LIFE-Programme