ISL Participates in the 4th ReNEW General Assembly in Porto

On October 14 and 15, ISL took part in the 4th General Assembly of the ReNEW (Resilience-centric Smart, Green, Networked EU Inland Waterway) project, hosted by APDL in Porto.

As part of the project, ISL, together with 24 partners from 11 countries, is looking for ways to achieve a balanced integration of sustainability and resilience in inland navigation.

During the event, ISL representatives Wiebke Duhme and Dr. Marija Jovic  along with other project partners, had the chance to visit the APDL's Cruise ship simulator. They navigated through various simulated scenarios, dealing with extreme weather conditions to better understand the complexities and the critical role of resilience.

The ReNEW project is funded under the European Commission's Horizon Europe innovation program and coordinated by the European Inland Waterway Transport Platform.

Further Information

Website ReNew

Dr. Marija Jovic
Wiebke Duhme